And That's A Brilliant Glimpse of Insight!"

Simpler Times
Today’s Brilliant Glimpse of Insight is based on a piece written by C.S. Lewis in 1939, when he said, “I think it is important to try to see the present calamity in a true perspective. The war creates no absolutely new situation: it simply aggravates the permanent human situation so that we can no longer ignore it.”
C.S. Lewis wasn’t trivializing World War II, he was simply teaching us a posture of hope. We can learn to love, live and hope far better in crisis than we can when we are complacent. Hope in times of crisis can make us better leaders, better parents, better spouses, better friends, better allies.
For me, keeping my posture of hope means doing a few things that on any given day seem ordinary. For example, this week I donated to my two favorite charities, one a local food bank and the other St. Jude’s Hospital for Children in Memphis. My heart cannot imagine a hungry child duirng this time, nor a child suffering from this unimaginable disease. Hope for me is also found behind my lens. While we are staying in place, I’ve found myself browsing through the thousands of photographs I’ve taken over the years, of simpler times. Photos of life, laughter, joy and most of all hope.
Starting my day every morning with prayer and meditation, is also a practice I’ve done since my children, now both in their early thirties, were infants. Having hope means having hope in something far bigger than myself. Right now, I need to believe in that something bigger. Maya Angelou once said, “hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.” Today why not invite hope. Hope that you and I can change the world today and tomorrow. Hope…its a personal choice. It’s a conviction that says, “I am my brother’s keeper.” Hope…Yes I am positively positive it’s a super power.
“And That’s A Brilliant Glimpse of Insight!”
— Published onMarch 28, 2020