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Introduction -Framing Conversations 

It takes about three weeks to form any new habit or behavior change.  Start today by reading or watching something about racism.  We like this video by Jay Smooth

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Framing Conversations

How racially literate are you?

These two heroes' traveled all 50 states to research what it takes to become racially literate.  Watch this TED Talk by Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo as they reveal two fundamental gaps in our racial literacy -- and how we can overcome them.

black women and the prison industrial co

Systems of Racism

Black women and the prison industrial complex

Black women are six times more often taken to jail/prison for offenses white women would never go to jail for.  Sandra Bland had a broken taillight and she died in jail.  Read this article, Black women in prison by Chadae Bell to understand the institutional racism of the prison industrial complex. 

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Health Disparities & Bias

Why fighting against health disparities is important

Health disparities—that is, preventable, poor health outcomes experienced by socially disadvantaged populations—are not a new concept, but COVID-19 has shown they’re still very much a problem in the US, with black Americans bearing the brunt of severe outcomes of the disease.  Read this article on health disparities in the US. 

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Institutions of Racism

Wealth and Income Disparities in the US

Wealth is more than just jobs. It includes annual median income, homeownership, access to a college education, access to workplace or self-employment retirement plans, and more. On nearly every measure, racial wealth disparities are evident throughout the US.  Read these FED notes on the disparities.

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Cultural Competency

Understanding cultural competence

Cultural competence is the principles of trust, respect for diversity, equity, fairness, and social justice. Cultural competence requires more than becoming culturally aware or practicing tolerance. It is the ability to identify and challenge one’s own cultural assumptions, values, and beliefs, and to make a commitment to communicating with cultural understanding.  Read more. 


What's Next - Perceptions

The Power of Martin Luther King's Anger

No one had any greater right to be angry about the human condition than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Yet, how in the world amidst all he faced, did he control his emotions, turn the other cheek, and forgive those in our society who had oppressed people for no reason other than the color of their skin.  Listen or read, this NPR segment on Dr. King. 

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Framing Conversations

How do you frame your conversations about race and social justice?  Today we challenge you to learn how you frame your conversations about race.  Are you defensive?  Read our handbook on framing conversations in the workplace.

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Framing Conversations

Race: The Power of Illusion

What is this thing we call race?  How was this social construct started?  How can we move beyond color?  Read this PBS presented Race: The Power of Illusion on ten things you should know about race. 

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Impact on Children & Families

How do you see racism?

Most people tend to see racism from the perspective of employment.  Equal opportunity.  Which is why we tend to believe that we have become a colorblind society.  Watch this short video by Camara Jones and learn the three levels of racism. 

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Institutions of Racism

Housing Discrimination

Although informal discrimination and segregation had existed in the United States, the specific practice called "redlining" began with the National Housing Act of 1934, which established the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).  Watch this clip from the Denver channel on redlining in Denver. 

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Cultural Competency

Reflection and Introspection

Listen intently to your heart.  Understanding the development of racial identity in America is key to beginning to understand racial justice in America.  Listen to your heart.  What is it telling you?  We love these videos on  conversations on race. 

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Cultural Competency

What it means to be Hispanic or Latinx in America?

Fernanda Ponce provides a first-person account of identity--addressing stereotypes and assumptions, and inviting the audience to dig deeper into the Latinx experience in the United States. Fernanda addresses the role of Latinx people in shaping the culture, politics, and economy of the USA.  Watch her TEDx here. 


What's Next - Perceptions

Guide to Allyship

What is an Ally and how do you become a real ally?   Saying you’re an ally is much easier than actually being an ally. Saying you’re an ally looks good on paper, especially if you’re never questioned about your inaction.

Many self-defined “allies” wear the phrase and ideology like an article of clothing, easily discarded when it’s no longer fashionable to wear.  Read this guide to allyship. 

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Framing Conversations 

Black people are not okay.

Many of us as your black friends and colleagues are navigating deep emotional waters right now, with many feeling especially vulnerable and unsafe amid social and mainstream media stories of violence against Black people. Now might be the time to ask, " are you okay?"  Read, "Dear White People, Your Black Colleagues Aren't Okay"

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Systems of Racism

What do you know about voter suppression?

Do you know how people of color were systemically kept from the ballot box and the challenges they had to overcome to exercise their right to vote?  Read this interactive from the ACLU to help you understand the history of voter suppression in our nation. 

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Impact on Children & Families

Racism in Education

So, let's review the history and impact of inequity within our educational systems. Over 65 years ago the landmark ruling in the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case declared racial segregation unconstitutional, yet today we see our schools just as segregated.  Read this thought provoking article. 

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Institutions of Racism

Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities

Including people with disabilities in everyday activities and encouraging them to have roles like their peers who do not have a disability is disability inclusion. This involves more than simply encouraging people.  Read how to successfully include people with disabilities.

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Cultural Competency

Understanding Bias

Bias is a human trait resulting from our tendency and need to classify individuals into categories as we strive to quickly process information and make sense of the world.  These biases typically occur below the surface of our conscious minds.  Read this article from the US Justice Department on the impact of bias in our nation. 

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What's Next - Perceptions

Quite honestly, I don't trust anyone who tells me they don't see color.  Why?  Well, if you are my ally, the only way you can fight for me is to see me.  Mellody Hobson, Finance Executive makes the case that speaking openly about race — and particularly about diversity in hiring -- makes for better businesses and a better society.  Watch her TED Talk here. 


What's Next - Perceptions

Lifting your preceptions

"What do you think when you look at this speaker? Well, think again. (And then again.) In this funny, honest, empathetic talk, Yassmin Abdel-Magied challenges us to look beyond our initial perceptions, and to open doors to new ways of supporting others."  Listen to her powerful TED Talk on Perception. 

​Our Strategic Advising Areas of Expertise

Executive Coaching (only)
Strategic Decision-Making
Attention Bias     
Strategic Decision-Making
Crisis Decision Making
Crisis Management
Brand Management
Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility Assessments
Philanthropy / Advocacy
Public and Social Policy

Strategic Inclusive Marketing
Motivational Training
Leadership / Board Development
Accessibility, Inclusion, Diversity Training
Attention Bias


Founded in 2010, The WEBB Advisory Group is a boutique professional advisory firm and is quickly becoming one of the leading thought leaders in professional advisory services making an impact.  Privately held since our founding the WEBB Advisory Group provides advisory, business performance improvement, crisis decision-making, strategic decision-making, and brand sustainability services. 

At the WEBB Advisory Group, your business is personal to us.  As a minority and women-owned firm our focus is dedicated to you.  We specialize in government, non-profit, corporate, and philanthropic sectors delivering a collaborative approach to help navigate today’s challenges for the workforce of tomorrow.

 We help businesses to determine and formulate policies and provide overall strategic direction.  Our services include designing responsive social impact and crisis communication and decision-making strategies, implementing brand marketing strategies, helping our clients make strategic decisions, coaching executive talent, measuring and monitoring brand outcomes to establish brand positioning, behavioral science, and the impacts of AI on the workforce of the future.  We also train you and your team on equity, inclusion, and accessibility strategies to contribute to brand sustainability.

​Our objective is to drive local, national, and global public and social policy values, drive strategies, and plans that help businesses to do business better, and create inclusive and accessible workforces and the leaders who lead them.


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WEBB Advisory Group

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